Penentuan Bibit Kelapa Sawit Unggul dengan Metode ARAS dan TOPSIS


  • Yessica Siagian Universitas Royal, Kisaran, Indonesia
  • Neni Mulyani Universitas Royal, Kisaran, Indonesia



Decision Support Systems; ARAS; TOPSIS; Selection of superior seeds; Industry 4.0; Analysis of superior seeds


The Industrial Era 4.0 opens up great opportunities to increase production, efficiency and sustainability of the palm oil industry. The problem faced by farmers is that farmers are often hampered by limited knowledge and lack of guidance in choosing plant seeds. Because seeds are an important factor in supporting satisfactory results. This research was carried out to help farmers who have difficulty in choosing oil palm seeds which could become a problem for farmers in the future. day. This research uses the ARAS and TOPSIS methods to evaluate seeds based on criteria that have been identified and analyzed, to assess 10 types of superior seeds based on 5 criteria: oil potential, pest resistance, seed price, productive planting period, and maintenance costs. It is hoped that this research can help oil palm farmers increase their productivity and profits, as well as support the sustainability of the palm oil industry in the Industry 4.0 era. The ARAS and TOPSIS methods have proven to be effective in helping farmers choose superior oil palm seeds. From the results of research conducted using the ARAS and TOPSIS methods, VIM 1 seeds were recommended as the best choice based on the points obtained


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Published: 2024-10-30

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How to Cite

Yessica Siagian, & Mulyani, N. (2024). Penentuan Bibit Kelapa Sawit Unggul dengan Metode ARAS dan TOPSIS. Bulletin of Computer Science Research, 4(6), 441-449.


