Journal of Informatics Management and Information Technology
Journal of Informatics Management and Information Technology, is a journal that publishes research results from researchers, lecturers, and students in the fields of Informatics Management, Information Systems and Information Technology. Journal of Informatics Management and Information Technology has an ISSN with the number 2774-4744 (media online) in accordance with decree number 0005.27744744/K.4/SK.ISSN/2021.01 (15 January 2021). This journal is published in a 3-monthly period, namely in January (issue 1), April (issue 2), July (issue 3), and Oct (issue 4).
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Bulletin of Computer Science Research
Bulletin of Computer Science Research merupakan jurnal yang memuat hasil penelitian di bidang Ilmu Komputer dengan nomor ISSN 2774-3659 (Media Online) sesuai dengan SK dengan Nomor 0005.27743659/K.4/SK.ISSN/2021.01 (tanggal 18 Januari 2021). Bulletin of Computer Science Research publish dalam 2 bulanan, yaitu pada bulan: Desember (issue 1), Februari (issue 2), April (issue 3), Juni (issue 4), Agustus (issue 5), Oktober (issue 6).